Here is a better entry. It's almost 2AM and I am awake so I'll update you on what's going on with my life in LA.
I opened a checking account and went to the DMV for my California license. It will be coming in 2 weeks. I am sad that I won't be using a picture of myself at 16 for an ID but it's time to move on, I suppose. California ID requires that you put your weight on there. Ugh. I hate lying to the government.
We are still working on decorating. We need a floor lamp very badly and I refuse to go another week without one. We are considering a small dining table since we have more room than I thought we did. We didn't have a dining table in Brooklyn and I couldn't stand it. I felt like I was living in a dorm. We also want a bench for the patio. I am really enjoying the sliding glass door. I leave it open all day with just the screen closed. It cools the apartment and the cats love sitting in front of it and keeping guard.
A lot of my clothes and all of my shoes arrived, thanks to my wonderful dad, and I somehow managed to fit it all in my closet with some room to spare. I spent all day yesterday cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry like a regular June Cleaver.
I met one of my neighbors and he gave me a lot of good ideas for fun stuff to do in LA. I still miss NYC a lot, though. I don't dislike LA but it doesn't feel like home. Maybe it's all the white people.
Here is a pic of my progress on the afghan so far. I am very proud of it. It is currently 50" in width and 26" in length. I am aiming for 70" in length. Sophie is just chilling next to it on our new couch with a decorative pillow we bought at Ross for $8 last night.
Someone have a baby when I'm done with this afghan so I can crochet or knit you a baby blanket. I don't want to interact with the baby, though. Let's keep this professional.
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