It has become obvious to me that I have to start cooking. Most food establishments around here close at 10PM and are a bit of a walking distance. This isn't anything like Brooklyn, where I lived above a deli and could get a sandwich at 4:12AM. There is a lot of great food around here, but unfortunately the restaurants' schedules are a lot different than mine.
I'm really enjoying the dry heat here but apparently, my skin does not. I was one of the lucky few to get away with clear skin throughout my adolescence. Well, I'm making up for it now because I am breaking out like crazy. I'm guessing it's because in NYC's humidity, you sweat a lot more so everything is getting washed out of your pores. I don't know if that's accurate. I may have made that up. Sorry, dermatologists. Anyway, I ran down to Lush to throw even more money at them for beauty products. I bought this weird green solid mass called "Herbalism" that you have to make a paste out of. It's really gross-looking but there are no harmful chemicals in it so you win some, you lose some. I also bought a toner and this shit had better work because nothing at Lush is cheap.
I also got myself a lovely neck sunburn due to forgetting about the importance of sunblock. It's only on one side of my neck so that'll be fantastic to look at once it heals into a fucked up tan. Ladies and gentlemen, always wear sunblock.
I am off to eat at an Indian lunch buffet. There was a great one at Jackson Diner on University Place and E. 11th Street near Union Square. I don't know how this one will do in comparison but I'm willing to spend the $9 to find out.
Here is a picture of some graffiti/street art I came across yesterday on my walk to Lush. It was brightened a bit with Instagram but you get the idea.
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