Saturday, August 11, 2012

And All That Jazz

I guess I should start by telling you that the first Friday night here in which I interacted with other people involved doing video game arts and crafts. I can't go further into what it was since I signed an NDA but just trust me when I say it was the nerdiest thing I've done in a while (and I own a Spirit Hood and laugh out loud at jokes made on NPR).

Today, Mat's friend Sara invited us to the beach. I don't actually own a bathing suit so we just went in shorts and t-shirts and hung out in the sand. We bought a hideous beach blanket that looks like a 1930's Mexican migrant worker's poncho for $14.99 at a shore shop. Sara had a lot of friends with her and they were nice. One of them was born and raised in Santa Monica but is about to move to Brooklyn. I was a bit jealous, I ain't gonna lie.

We headed home after that and Mat's former coworker, Fox, came to pick us up to go to Costco. It had been years since I'd been in a Costco and I got a little overly excited. I probably didn't need cheap Kirkland chocolate in bulk but whatever. I'm sure that when the time comes, I can also buy bulk insulin at a very competitive rate.

We went to the In-N-Out Burger outside of Costco and there was this Japanese couple with 2 fancy little dogs. One was a Pomeranian and I'm not sure what the other one was. It was a while fluff ball. Anyway, the dogs had these harnesses with angel wings attached and the leashes were strings of pearls. It was easily one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. People were stopping in their tracks to stare at the little dogs, which probably have more expensive clothes than I do. Oh, LA.

Here's a picture of one of the many animals I met today. The owner offered me the chance to hold him but I politely declined. There was also a bicycle cart thing with 7 or so parrots but the guy wanted a tip for a picture. Fuck that guy.

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