Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Malibu to Venice

It was so exciting to see Shirley and Azmat yesterday. They picked me up around 12:45PM and we headed along PCH 1 to Malibu. Malibu is absolutely gorgeous. The water is really pretty and the beaches are empty and pristine.

We stopped along the highway to eat at a restaurant overlooking the water. It was really pretty. Sitting a few feet from us was Bethany Joy Lenz from the show "One Tree Hill." To be honest, Shirl and Azmat had to tell me who she was because I've never seen that show but it was cool to know someone semi famous was there. I also liked her outfit a lot and I might buy the pants she was wearing the next time I'm in Venice.

We parked along the highway and made our way down a steep hill of rocks and dirt to get to the beach. In retrospect, if we had walked 50 feet back, we would have found a less treacherous way to get down there. Despite the dangerous climb down, no one was seriously injured and it was gorgeous. The beach was virtually empty. There were only a few others near us and it was very quiet. The water was cold so there wasn't anyone swimming in it but there were some sunbathers.

On our way back south along the highway, there was a very serious car accident so the traffic was backed up really far. We decided to take a detour so we turned left at whatever street was next to try to bypass it. We ended up going to the very top of the Malibu hills along a very curvy and long road. We were so high up at some point that our ears were popping. It took forever and we were going up and down and through mountainous terrain. I'm posting a picture of the view but no picture really captured how far up we were or how amazing the view was. The detour was really long but definitely worth the time because I got to see a lot of California that I wouldn't have gotten a view of otherwise.

When we got back down, we drove to Venice so I could show them the boardwalk area. We tried to go to the freak show but unfortunately it was closed. Luckily, 70% of Venice Beach is a freak show anyway. There was a guy driving around on a motorized bike pulling around a cart with dog wearing sunglasses in it. There was also a guy in one of the bathroom stalls that was either suffering from tuberculosis or he just wasn't good at smoking because he was coughing up a lung in there. There are a few bathrooms that I absolutely refuse to go in and that was one of them.

We sat along the shore in Venice and the people next to us were wearing their socks in the sand. It looked really weird but it sort of made sense in Venice.

I was sad to see my friends leave but I was exhausted by the time I got home and I practically passed out for an hour. I think it'll be a while before someone else comes to visit but if anyone can squeeze a trip in, they are more than welcome to stop by.

Here are some pics of Malibu. One is the view from the shore, one is of the view from the Malibu hills, and one is the view of the water from the restaurant.

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