Yesterday, I applied for a job as a front desk receptionist at an acupuncture clinic because my college degree makes me suitable for nothing. I worked as a front desk receptionist at a mental health clinic in New York City and I was pretty good at it so I figured I could try for it again. I immediately received an email saying they were having interviews today at 3PM so I RSVP'ed and made my way down there this afternoon. It was literally the most unprofessional interview I have ever been on in my life and I have been on some bad ones.
There were about a dozen other candidates waiting to be seen. They scheduled everyone at the exact same time, which is something you never do because people tend to get aggressive when surrounded by competition. There were not enough seats for everyone so the poor receptionist was pulling chairs from wherever she could find them and even had to give up her own seat. 3PM comes and goes. The couple who own the clinic have not gotten there yet. 3:05. 3:10. Finally at 3:15, the husband shows up. He blames his wife's lateness on their 2-year-old. Between the two of them, they couldn't get one child in a car together? I can't even imagine what a horror show this child must be. The husband answers questions from the applicants. One woman is wearing jeans and another is eating Skittles while waiting for their interviews.
The wife finally gets here around 3:30, which is when we were told the interview would be over by. She makes a poor apology, blames the child, and then says that the child is so difficult that all the neighbors know about her drama. I pity them and pray they can afford boarding school because I can't see them surviving her teen years. Now comes the actual "interview." We are all told to introduce ourselves and tell them everything they need to know about ourselves in 30 seconds IN FRONT OF THE OTHER APPLICANTS. It was probably the most degrading, humiliating, and awkward way you can possibly interview people. The reason they did it this way? They got "so many applications" that they "couldn't possibly" go through them all.
When I was leaving my last job, we got over 1,000 resumes regarding my position. My boss picked 50 people out of the applications she liked and met with each of them personally, separately, at specified times, without the applicants running into one another. Technically, you could possibly do it if you wanted to take the time. Of course, who wants to put all that effort into picking the person who is the first impression of their business?
Then we were told to walk to our cars "really slowly" because they would be calling us right away and could come back then and there for part 2. I did not get called. I do not care, although I was sort of hoping for a call so I could tell them I wasn't interested because of how unprofessional they were. Luckily, I live within walking distance so I wasn't really stranded somewhere waiting for a call that never came. I walked right home, made dinner, and felt bad that I was never good at math because accountants make bank.
I suppose I'll start another cover letter. I hope everyone in New York is staying warm.
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