Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Freaking Out & Making Amends

Being mostly alone in a new city gives me a lot of time to think about things. I do a lot of thinking normally but having so much alone time has caused me to reach new levels of over-thinking and over-analyzing. One interesting thing that this has caused me to want to do is "make amends" with everyone I have ever "wronged."

I put the word "wronged" in quotation marks because as an empath, I am overly sensitive to every single thing I ever say or do to anyone so oftentimes, my definition of wronging someone is a regular person's idea of normal interaction. For example, I sent someone a page long, barely lucid email at 6AM apologizing for losing touch when we were 14. I had been wracked with guilt for over 12 years and his response, in summary, was, "Oh, I thought it was my fault. No harm done." I have a lot of nightmares about friendships I feel I had caused to end and bad things I'm convinced I'd done and for some reason, I have a hard time letting them go, no matter how old or ridiculous they probably are.

Of course, in apologizing, I spend the whole day freaking out as I wait for a response. I have gotten people admitting that they were angry with me, which is hard, but it comes with the territory and I absolutely deserve it if I did something wrong. I can only hope that those people can forgive my wrongdoings because I am truly sorry. However, 99.9% of the time, the response is "I didn't even notice." This causes me to wonder if maybe I need to be more okay with the fact that not everyone is scrutinizing my behavior all the time and that I really need to calibrate how necessary some of these apologies are.

In the meantime, be on the lookout for a page long email at 4AM about how sorry I am regarding that one time I canceled getting coffee with you because I had the swine flu three years ago.

Sophie, a cat who I owe many apologies to for tap dancing poorly while holding her.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I totally get where you're coming from. I recently started FB chatting with this girl I grew up with. She was a bit of a bully towards me, twice my size. We have been in touch on and off throughout the years but mostly general catching up. Recently while we were chatting, she totally apologized for treating me poorly at times and had clearly been holding all of this in for years! I mean I don't think it traumatized me after childhood (that I know of) and wasn't holding anything against her, so perhaps closure is something really needed for these types of situations. Even if you're unsure if you were in the wrong, it's always nice to clear the air.
